EDI Initiative

H-France is committed to practicing and promoting equity, diversity, and inclusion as an organization and within the broader scholarly community.

An EDI Committee offers advice and recommendations to the H-France Editorial Board regarding EDI issues, provides insight and perspective to the editorial teams as they address EDI issues in H-France’s publications and editorial practices, and establishes a venue in which individuals can raise EDI issues regarding H-France’s operations and activities. The chair of the EDI Committee sits as an officer on the H-France Editorial Board.

The EDI Committee proposed and the Editorial Board endorsed a Common Understanding of H-France’s Commitment to and pursuit of EDI values.

Please contact the chair of the EDI Committee if you wish to raise an issue regarding H-France’s commitment to or practice of equity, diversity, and inclusion.

The H-France EDI Committee
Chair: Blake Gutt, University of Utah

Ara Chi Jung, New York University – Florence
Julian Ledford, Sewanee: The University of the South
Jennifer Sessions, University of Virginia
Laura Talamante, California State University-Dominguez Hills