Professional Resources

Teaching Resources

Resources for developing and teaching courses on Francophone history and culture. Includes syllabi from past courses, links to databases of teaching materials, sample assignments, collections of class readings and documents, and more. Includes a variety of resources meant to support online teaching, including articles and Twitter threads with suggestions for remote teaching, audiovisual resources, educational games, and sample powerpoint slides.

Research Tools

Resources to support research on topics related to Francophone history and culture, including source databases, historical dictionaries and other reference materials, links to journals and magazines of interest to French historians, links to archival centers and libraries, and more.

Podcasts and Online Lectures

Links to online (audio and visual) lectures and podcasts that teach topics in Francophone history and culture. Includes classroom lectures, elements designed for online courses, interviews with historians, and more.

When in Francophone Lands

A collection of resources to help our colleagues when they are conducting research or traveling in Francophone lands. Includes tips on finding accommodation, websites with links to apartment rentals, travel tips, train schedules, maps, and websites and videos relating to travel.