January Reviews
A Revolution in Taste: The Rise of French Cuisine, 1650-1800. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009. xv + 317 pp. Bibliography, notes, index, and appendix. $32.00 U.S. (hb). ISBN 978-0-521-82199-5
,Review by Julia Abramson, University of Oklahoma.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (January 2010), No. 1
Diderot’s Part. Aldershot and Burlington: Ashgate Publishing, 2008. ix + 205 pp. Figures, notes, bibliography and index. $99.95 U.S., £ 55.00 (cl). ISBN 978-0-7546-5438-4.
,Review by Jay L. Caplan, Amherst College.
H-France ReviewVol. 10 (January 2010), No. 2
Suffering Saints: Jansenists andConvulsionnaires in France, 1640-1799. Brighton, Portland: Sussex Academic Press, 2008. xii + 424. Notes. $95.00 U.S. (cl). ISBN: 978-1-84519-245-7.
,Review by Mita Chaudhury, Vassar College.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (January 2010), No. 3
Sartre and the Jewish Question: Anti-antisemitism and the Politics of the French Intellectual. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2006. xi + 390 pp. [1] Index. $29.95 U.S. (p. cl). ISBN 978-0-8032-2612-8; $29.95 U.S. (p. pb). ISBN 978-0-8032-2489-6.
,Review by Michael Scott Christofferson, Penn State Erie, The Behrend College.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (January 2010), No. 4
Entre Hommes: French and Francophone Masculinities in Culture and Theory. Newark: University of Delaware Press, 2008. 289 pp. Figures, notes, bibliography, and index. $60.00 U.S. (hb). ISBN 978-0-87413-024-9.
, eds.Review by Christopher E. Forth, University of Kansas.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (January 2010), No. 5
Family, Gender, and Law in Early Modern France. University Park: Penn State University Press, 2009. 272 pages. $55 (hb.) 978-0-27103-469-0.
, eds.Review by Jennifer Heuer, University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (January 2010), No. 6
The Seine Was Red. Paris, October 1961: A Novel(translated by Mildred Mortimer). Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 2008. xxiv + 116pp. $17.95 U.S. (pb). ISBN 10-0253-2202-38.
,Review by Jim House, University of Leeds.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (January 2010), No. 7
Voltaire’s Tormented Soul: A Psychobiographical Inquiry. Bethlehem, Penn.: Lehigh University Press, 2008. 359 pp. Appendices, bibliography, notes and index. $80.00 U.S. (cl). ISBN: 978-0-934223-92-8.
,Review by Patrick H. Hutton, University of Vermont.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (January 2010), No. 8
French Laughter: Literary Humour from Diderot to Tournier, Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2008. 245 pp. Notes, bibliography and index. $49.95 U.S. (hb). ISBN 0-19-923757-9
,Compte-rendu de Philippe Barr, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (January 2010), No. 9
Une mer pour deux royaumes: La Manche, frontière franco-anglaise (XVIIe-XVIIIe siècles). Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2008. 384 pp. Maps, tables, figures, notes, bibliography, and indices. 20€ (pb). ISBN 978-2-7535-0545-2.
,Review by Peter Sahlins, The University of California, Berkeley.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (January 2010), No. 10
Conspiracy in the French Revolution. Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press, 2007. 222 pp. Index. $79.00 (hb). ISBN: 978-0-7190-7402-8, ISBN10: 0-7190-7402-9.
, Thomas E. Kaiser, and Marisa Linton, eds.,Review by Dale K. Van Kley, Ohio State University
H-France Review Vol. 10 (January 2010), No. 11
Madame Proust: A Biography, trans., Alice Kaplan. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2007. 272 pp. Illustrations, notes, bibliography and index. $27.50. ISBN 0226056422.
,Review by André Benhaïm, Princeton University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (January 2010), No. 12
Jean-Paul Sartre & Simone de Beauvoir, directed by Max Cacopardo, 1967. Director First Run/ Icarus Films, Brooklyn, NY, 1967. Video and DVD, 60 mins., b/w.
Review by Judith G. Coffin, University of Texas at Austin.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (January 2010), No. 13
Verdi and the French Aesthetic: Verse, Stanza, and Melody in Nineteenth-Century Opera. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008. x + 294 pp. Tables, notes, bibliography, and index. $99.00 U.S. (cl). ISBN 978-0-521-87843-2
,Review by Diana R. Hallman, University of Kentucky.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (January 2010), No. 14
Politics and Religion in France and the United States. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2007. xii + 200 pp. Notes. $27.95 U.S. (cl). ISBN-13:978-0-7391-1930-3; $20.00 U.S. (pb). ISBN 10:0-7391-1930-3.
, eds.,Review by Joseph Byrnes, Oklahoma State University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (January 2010), No. 15
Tocqueville on America after 1840: Letters and Other Writings(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009), 560 pp. $32.99 (US). ISBN 978-0521676830.
, eds.Review by Jennifer Pitts, University of Chicago.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (January 2010), No. 16
Paul Mus (1902-1969): L’espace d’un regard. Paris: Les Indes Savantes, 2006. 335 pp. Preface, introduction, footnotes, bibliography, chronology, appendices, index, table of contents. 34 Euros (pb). ISBN 2-84654-131-0.
, eds,Review by Bradley C. Davis, Eastern Washington University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (January 2010), No. 17
February Reviews
Fondation et ruine d’une “maison”: Histoire sociale des comtes de Belin (1582-1706). Limoges: Presses Universitaires de Limoges, 2009. 560 pp. Maps, tables, figures, notes, bibliography, and index. €28.00 (pb). ISBN 978-2-84287-485-8.
,Review by Darryl Dee, Wilfrid Laurier University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (February 2010), No. 18
Siméon-Prosper Hardy: Mes Loisirs, ou Journal d’événemens tels qu’ils parviennent à ma connoissance (1753-1789), Vol. 1 (1753-1770). Québec: Les Presses de l’Université Laval, 2008. 852 pp. Preface, chronology, bibliography and appendices. CDN $65.00 (pb). ISBN: 978-2-7637-8543-1.
, eds.,Review by Kenneth Loiselle, Trinity University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (February 2010), No. 19
Dance in the Renaissance: European Fashion, French Obsession. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2008. xix + 330 pp. Figures, color plates, appendix, notes, bibliography, and index. $45.00 U.S. (hb). ISBN 978-0-300-11557-4.
,Review by Nadine D. Pederson, Central Washington University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (February 2010), No. 20
Reimagining Politics after the Terror: The Republican Origins of French Liberalism. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 2008. xii + 317 pp. $45.00 U.S. (cl). ISBN 978-0-8014-4669-6.
,Review by Stuart Jones, University of Manchester.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (February 2010), No. 21
Voluntary Servitude and the Erotics of Friendship: From Classical Antiquity to Early Modern France. Aldershot and Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2008. xiii and 227 pp. Figures, notes, bibliography and index. $99.95. (hb). ISBN 978-0-546-6459-8.
,Review by Anna Klosowska, Miami University, Ohio.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (February 2010), No. 22
Le Promeneur à Paris au XVIIIe siècle, preface by Arlette Farge. (Paris: Collection Le Promeneur, Gallimard, 2007. 427 pp. Notes, figures. 26.50 € (pb). ISBN 2070783669.
,Review by Thomas M. Luckett, Portland State University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (February 2010), No. 23
Citoyens-combattants à Paris, 1848-1851. Villeneuve d’Ascq: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion , 2008. 350 pp. Illustrations, footnotes and “Récapitulatif des 385 dossiers individuels.” 24 €. (pb). ISBN 978-2-7574-0030-2.
,Review by Pamela Pilbeam, Royal Holloway and Bedford New College, University of London.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (February 2010), No. 24
The Making of Saint Louis. Kingship, Sanctity, and Crusade in the Later Middle Ages. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 2008. xvii + 331pp. Appendixes, bibliography, and index. $45.00 U.S. (cl). ISBN 978-0-8014-4550-7.
,Review by Daisy Delogu, University of Chicago.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (February 2010), No. 25
Manning the Margins: Masculinity and Writing in Seventeenth-Century France. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2009. xi + 339 pp. Illustrations, notes, bibliography, and index. $85.00 U.S. (cl). ISBN 978-0-472-070580-9. $28.95 U.S. (pb). ISBN 978-0-05058-1.
,Review by Louise K. Horowitz, Rutgers University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (February 2010), No. 26
Journal. Nouvelle édition intégrale établie par Michèle Hannoosh. 2 vols. Paris: José Corti, 2009. 2519 pp. Introductory essay, supplement of archival material, notes, biographical repertory, bibliography, genealogies, index of Delacroix’s works, index of names. 80€. (pb). ISBN 9782-7143-0999-0
,Review by Beth S. Wright, University of Texas at Arlington.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (February 2010), No. 27
The Malebranche Moment: Selections from the Letters of Étienne Gilson & Henri Gouhier (1920-1936), translated and edited by Richard J. Fafara. Marquette Studies in Philosophy No. 48. Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 2007. 220 pp. $27 (hb). ISBN-13: 978-087462-671-1 & ISBN-10: 0-87462-671-4.
Review by Stephen Schloesser, Boston College.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (February 2010), No. 28
The Portfolio of Villard de Honnecourt, A New Critical Edition and Color Facsimile. Farnham: Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2009. xxvi + 266 pp. 49 in-text figures, 48 black and white plates, 71 color plates, quire diagrams, glossary prepared by Stacey L. Hahn, bibliography, iconographic index of drawings, index. £75.00 U.K. $145.00 U.S. (cl). ISBN 978-0-7546-5102-4.
, Jr.,Review by Melanie Holcomb, The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (February 2010), No. 29
Traicté de la Cabale. Textes de la Renaissance 124. Ian R. Christie-Miller and François Roudaut, eds. Paris: Honoré Champion Éditeur, 2007. 482 pp. + 1 color and 28 b/w pls. index. illus. gloss. bibl. €88. ISBN: 978-2-7453-1541-0.
,Review by Daniel Stein Kokin, Yale University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (February 2010), No. 30
The Countess of Rudolstadt, translated by Gretchen van Slyke. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2008. xviii + 444 pp. Notes and ill. $49.95 U.S. (cl). ISBN 978-0-8122-4073-3.
[Aurore Dupin],Review by James Smith Allen, Southern Illinois University Carbondale.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (February 2010), No. 31
March Reviews
The Serf, the Knight, and the Historian, translated by Graham Robert Edwards. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 2009. Xii + 356 pp. Notes. $ 29.95 U.S. (pb). ISBN 978-0-8014-7560-3.
,Review by Jeffrey Bowman, Kenyon College.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (March 2010), No. 32
Renaissance France at War. Armies, Culture and Society, c. 1480-1560. Woodbridge: The Boydell Press, 2008. xviii + 405 pp. Illustrations, maps, appendices, notes, bibliography, and index. $115 (£60). ISBN 978-1-84383-405-2.
,Review by David Parrott, New College, Oxford.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (March 2010), No. 33
Poetry, Knowledge and Community in Late Medieval France. Woodbridge, UK: D. S. Brewer, 2009. xiv + 250 pp. Figures (4 b&w plates, 4 tables, 4 musical examples), notes, bibliography, and index. $105.00 U.S. (hb) ISBN: 9781843841777.
, eds., with Adrian Armstrong, Sylvia Huot and Sarah Kay,Review by Michel-André Bossy, Brown University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (March 2010), No. 34
La Fabrique de l’honneur. Les médailles et les décorations en France, XIXe-XXe siècle Dir. Bruno Dumons et Gilles Pollet, Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2009, 238 pages, Illustrations pp. I-VIII, ISBN : 978-2-7535-0821-7
Compte-rendu par Rémi Dalisson, Université de Rouen, France.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (March 2010), No. 35
Challenges of Equality: Judaism, State, and Education in Nineteenth-century France. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 2009. 256 pp. $49.95 (hb). ISBN 978-0-8143-3380-8.
,Review by Sharif Gemie, University of Glamorgan.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (March 2010), No. 36
To Have and To Hold: Marrying and Its Documentation in Western Christendom, 400-1600. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2007. xv + 519 pp. Maps, documents, notes, and index. $75.00 U.S. (cl). ISBN 978-0-521-86736-8.
, eds.,Review by Jacqueline Murray, University of Guelph.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (March 2010), No. 37
Représentation et Pouvoir: La Politique symbolique en France (1789-1830). Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2007. 300 pp. Preface, introduction, and plates. 20€ (pb). ISNN 978-2-7535-0447-9.
, eds.,Review by Rebecca K. McCoy, Lebanon Valley College.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (March 2010), No. 38
Femmes et métiers du livre/Women in the Printing Trades. Pays Anglophones et francophones européens. Preface, Caroline Archer. Paris : Talus d’approche, 2005. xvi + 291 pp. Bibliography, and index. 32 euros (pb). ISBN 2-87246-099-3.
,Review by Janine Lanza, Wayne State University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (March 2010), No. 39
Félicité de Genlis: Motherhood in the Margins. Newark: University of Delaware Press, 2008. 298 pp. Figures, notes, bibliography, index. $60.00 U.S. (cl). ISBN 978-0-87413-999-0.
,Review by Denise Z. Davidson, Georgia State University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (March 2010), No. 40
The Musical World of a Medieval Monk: Adémar de Chabannes in Eleventh-Century Aquitaine. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006. xvi + 367 pp. Tables, notes, appendices, bibliography, and indices. $114.00 U.S. (cl) ISBN-13 978-0-521-85627-7 ISBN-10 0-521-85628-0.
,Review by Susan Boynton, Columbia University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (March 2010), No. 41
Orphans of the Republic: The Nation’s Legislators in Vichy France. Trans. George Holoch. Cambridge, Mass. and London: Harvard University Press, 2009. 436pp. Notes, bibliography, index. $55 U.S. (cl.) ISBN 978-0-674-03261-3
,Review by Elizabeth Campbell Karlsgodt, University of Denver.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (March 2010), No. 42
Career Stories: Belle Epoque Novels of Professional Development University Park, Penn.: Penn State University Press, 2007. 260 pp. $30 (cl). ISBN: 978-0-271-03269-6.
,Review by Rachel Mesch, Yeshiva University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (March 2010), No. 43
The Lorraine-Guise and the Conservation of Power and Wealth in Seventeenth-Century France. Farnham: Ashgate, 2009. xi + 343 pp. Map, tables, figures, notes, bibliography, and index. £ 65 (cl). ISBN-978-0-7546-5860-3.
,Review by Stuart Carroll, University of York.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (March 2010), No. 44
Policing Public Opinion in the French Revolution: The Culture of Calumny and the Problem of Free Speech. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2009. xiii + 334 pp. Figures, notes, bibliography, and index. $49.95 U.S. (cl). ISBN 0-19-536775-1.
,Review by Paul R. Hanson, Butler University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (March 2010), No. 45
Sea of Silk: A Textile Geography of Women’s Work in Medieval French Literature. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2009. viii + 256 pp. 25 illustrations, map, glossary, notes, bibliography, index. $59.95 U.S. (cl). ISBN 978-0-8122-4154-9.
,Review by Sarah-Grace Heller, Ohio State University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (March 2010), No. 46
Selected Writings: A Bilingual Edition, ed. and trans. Rouben Cholakian and Mary Skemp. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2008. xxviii + 412 pp. Series Editors’ Introduction, Volume Editor’s Introduction, Illustrations, Notes, bibliography, and index. $27.50 (pb). ISBN 13. 978-0-226-14272-2.
,Review by Dora E. Polachek, Binghamton University (SUNY-Binghamton).
H-France Review Vol. 10 (March 2010), No. 47
Montesquieu and the Logic of Liberty: War, Religion, Commerce, Climate Terrain, Technology, Uneasiness of Mind, the Spirit of Political Vigilance, and the Foundation of the Modern Republic. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 2009. xxv + 369 pp. Notes, bibliography and index. $45.00 U.S. (cl). ISBN 978-0-30014-125-2.
,Compte-rendu par Céline Spector, Université Michel de Montaigne Bordeaux 3.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (March 2010), No. 48
À Paris sous la Révolution. Nouvelles approches de la ville. Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne, 2008. 221 pp. Notes. €25.00 (pb) ISBN 978-2-85944-596-6.
, ed.,Review by Sydney Watts, University of Richmond.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (March 2010), No. 49
Sexuality at the Fin de Siècle: The Makings of a “Central Problem.” Newark: University of Delaware Press, 2008. 201pp. Illustrations, notes, and index. $50.00 U.S. (hb) ISBN: 0874130379.
, eds.,Review by Sandrine Sanos, Texas A & M University – Corpus Christi.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (March 2010), No. 50
Intertextual Masculinity in French Renaissance Culture: Rabelais, Brantôme, and the Cent nouvelles nouvelles. Burlington and Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing, 2008. viii + 253 pp. Acknowledgements, notes, bibliography, and index. $99.95 (hb). ISBN 978-0-7546-6216-7.
,Review by Marc Schachter, Villa I Tatti, The Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (March 2010), No. 51
Wartime Diary. Translation and Notes by Anne Deing Cordero. Edited by Margaret A. Simons and Sylvie Le Bon de Beauvoir. Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 2009. xii + 350 pp. Notes, bibliography, and index. $40.00 U.S. (cl). ISBN 978-0-252-03377-3.
,Review by Ursula Tidd, University of Manchester.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (March 2010), No. 52
La Gloire de l’aventure. Genèse d’une mystique moderne, 1850-1940. Paris : Aubier, 2002. 350 pp. Notes, name index, table of contents. $66.99 U.S. (pb). ISBN 2-70-072332-5.
,Review by Laurence M. Porter, Michigan State University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (March 2010), No. 53
Réponse par Sylvain Venayre, Université de Paris I—Panthéon Sorbonne
H-France Review Vol. 10 (March 2010), No. 54
The French Renaissance Court. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2008, 440 pp. $45 (hb). ISBN: 978-0300-11851-3.
,Review by Michael Wintroub, University of California, Berkeley.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (March 2010), No. 55
Lesdiguières. Prince des Alpes et connétable de France. Grenoble: Presses universitaires de Grenoble, 2007. 429 pp. Notes, bibliography, map, illustrations, chronology, and index. €35.00 (pb). ISBN 978-2-7061-1419-9.
,Review by Brian Sandberg, Northern Illinois University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (March 2010), No. 56
L’Art d’aimer au siècle des Lumières. Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century 2007: 11. Oxford: The Voltaire Foundation, 2007. 343 pp. Illustrations, footnotes, bibliography and index. $111 U.S./£65 U.K./€78 (pb). ISBN 978-0-7294-0917-9.
,Review by Elena Russo, The Johns Hopkins University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (March 2010), No. 57
A History of the Gardens of Versailles. Translated by Adrienne Mason. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2008. vii + 296 pp. 48 illustrations, notes, bibliography, and index. $55.00 U.S. (cl). ISBN 978-0-8122-4078-8.
,Louis XIV’s Botanical Engravings. Hampshire, England and Burlington, Vt: Lund Humphries, 2008. 144 pp. 70 illustrations, bibliography. £30 UK. (cl). ISBN 978-1-84822-000-3.
.Review by Elizabeth Hyde, Kean University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (March 2010), No. 58
April Reviews
, Architecture, Print Culture, and the Public Sphere in Eighteenth- Century France. New York and Abingdon, UK: Routledge, 2007. x + 290 pp. Figures, notes, bibliography, and index. $ 154.95 U.S. (cl.) ISBN10: 0-415-77463-2
Review by Jean-François Bédard, Syracuse University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (April 2010), No. 59
Expansion and Crisis in Louis XIV’s France: Franche-Comté and Absolute Monarchy, 1674-1715. Rochester, N.Y.: University of Rochester Press, 2009. xi + 244 pp. Maps, appendices, notes, bibliography, and index. $80.00 U.S. (cl). ISBN 978-1-5046-303-4.
,Review by Gail Bossenga, The College of William and Mary.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (April 2010), No. 60
Contesting the French Revolution. Malden, MA and Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009. xii + 229 pp. Bibliography and index. $89.95 U.S. (cl). ISBN 978-1-4051-6083-4; $34.95 U.S. (pb). ISBN 978-1-4051-6084-1
,Review by Ian Germani, University of Regina.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (April 2010), No. 61
Etienne Bazin, Oblat de MarieImmaculée: Pionnier des Missions en Pays Inuit. Dijon: Editions Clea No. 89, 2008. Maps, photos, notes, bibliography. Foreword by Bernard Saladin d’Anglure. $60.63 (CAD), €35. ISBN 978-291-3835-825.
,Review by Willem C. E. Rasing, Radboud University Nijmegen.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (April 2010), No. 62
The Philosophers’ Quarrel: Rousseau, Hume, and the Limits of Human Understanding. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2009. x + 247 pp. Illustrations, endnotes, index. $18.00 (pb). ISBN 978-0300164282.
,Review by Charles Walton, Yale University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (April 2010), No. 63
Response by Robert Zaretsky and John T. Scott.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (April 2010), No. 64
, Bordeaux/Burgundy: A Vintage Rivalry (Berkeley, Los Angeles and London: The University of California Press, 2008). Originally published as Bordeaux Bourgogne: Les passions rivales (Paris: Éditions Hachette, 2005), translated by M. B. DeBevoise. xiv + 246 pp. Maps, notes, bibliography and index. $ 24.95 U.S. (cl). ISBN 978-0-24940-0.
Review by Philip Whalen, Coastal Carolina University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (April 2010), No. 65
Philippe de Vigneulles and the Art of Prose Translation. Cambridge: D.S. Brewer, 2008. viii + 151 pp. Bibliography and index. $95.00 (U.S.) hb. ISBN 978-1-84384-158-6.
,Review by Valerie Worth-Stylianou, Trinity College, Oxford.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (April 2010), No. 66
La crosse et le sceptre: les prélats d’Etat sous François Ier et Henri VIII Paris: Tallandier, 2008. 383 pp. Endnotes, appendices, bibliography and index. 50 €. ISBN 978-2-84734-336-6.
,Review by David Potter, University of Kent.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (April 2010), No. 67
May Reviews
Medieval Art and Architecture after the Middle Ages. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009. ix + 389 pp. Figures and notes. $79.99 (US). ISBN (of hardcover) 978-1-4438-0057-0
, eds.,Review by Mark Burde, University of Michigan.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (May 2010), No. 68
Courbet, Abbeville Press: New York, 2008. 400 p., illustrations. $135 U.S. (hb). ISBN 078-92097-72.
,Review by Paul Galvez, Ohio State University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (May 2010), No. 69
Cahiers/Notebooks, trans. Norma Rinsler, Paul Ryan, Brian Stimpson. Frankfurt am Main and New York: Peter Lang, 2007. Volume 3 out of 5, 621 pp. Figures, notes, and two indices. (hb). ISBN 978-3-631-36764-3.
,Review by Natasha Grigorian, Fitzwilliam College, University of Cambridge.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (May 2010), No. 70
Becoming a Woman in the Age of Letters. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 2009. xi + 386 pp. Figures, illustrations, notes, and index. $79.95 U.S. (cl); ISBN 978-0-8014-4761-7. $29.95 (pb); ISBN 978-0-8014-7545-0..
,Review by Joan Landes, Pennsylvania State University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (May 2010), No. 71
Voltaire historiographer: narrative paradigms. Oxford: Voltaire Foundation, 2008. SVEC, 2008: 05. xiii + 283 pp. $115.00 U.S. (pb); ISBN 978-0729409322.
,Review by Reginald McGinnis, University of Arizona.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (May 2010), No. 72
Paris Spleen: Little Poems in Prose. Trans., Keith Waldrop. Middletown, Conn.: Wesleyan University Press, 2009. xiii + 99 pp. $22.95 U.S. (cl). ISBN 978-0-8195-6909-7.
,Review by William Olmsted, Valparaiso University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (May 2010), No. 73
Mazarin’s Quest: The Congress of Westphalia and the Coming of the Fronde. Cambridge, Mass. and London: Harvard University Press, 2008. iii + 307 pp. Maps, illustrations, bibliography, and index. $49.95 U.S. (cl). ISBN 978-0-674-03182-1.
,Review by Thomas C. Sosnowski, Kent State University Stark Campus.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (May 2010), No. 74
Gilded Youth: Three Lives in France’s Belle Époque. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2009. 323 pp. Notes. Bibliography and Index. ISBN: 978-0-374-16230-6.
,Review by Charles Sowerwine, University of Melbourne.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (May 2010), No. 75
Eiffel’s Tower, and the World’s Fair where Buffalo Bill Beguiled Paris, the Artists Quarreled, and Thomas Edison Became a Count. New York: Viking, Published by Penguin Group, 2009. 354 pp. Maps, figures, notes, and index. $27.95 U.S. (cl). ISBN 978-0-670-02060-7.
,Review by Matt Matsuda, Rutgers University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (May 2010), No. 76
JBourdieu In Algeria: Colonial Politics, Ethnographic Practices, Theoretical Developments. Lincoln and London: University of Nebraska Press, 2009. 282 pp. $35.00 U.S. (pb). ISBN 978-0-8032-1362-3.
, eds.,Review by Gretchen Purser, University of California-Davis.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (May 2010), No. 77
June Reviews
Jail Sentences: Representing Prison in Twentieth-Century French Fiction. Lincoln and London: University of Nebraska Press, 2008. 254 pp. Notes, bibliography, and index. $40.00 U.S. (cl). ISBN 978-0-8032-1379-1.
,Review by Elissa Gelfand, Mount Holyoke College.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (June 2010), No. 78
, transcriber and editor of , La vie de Michel de Marillac (1560-1632), Garde des Sceaux de France sous Louis XIII. Les Presses de l’Université Laval, 2007. 724 pp. Illustrations, maps, tables, appendices, notes, bibliography, and index. $69.95 CAN. ISBN 978-2-7637-8313-0.
Review by Sharon Kettering, Montgomery College in Maryland.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (June 2010), No. 79
La Révolution batave entre la France et l’Amérique (1795-1806). Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2008. 483 pp. Foreward, figures, and bibliography. € 22 (pb). ISBN 978-2-7535-0702-9.
,Review by Janet Polasky, University of New Hampshire.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (June 2010), No. 80
Excess and Transgression in Simone de Beauvoir’s Fiction: The Discourse of Madness. Farnham, UK and Burlington, Vt: Ashgate, 2009. viii + 222 pp. Notes, bibliography, and index. $99.95 U.S. (cl). ISBN 978-0-7546-5152-9.
.Review by Laura Hengehold, Case Western Reserve University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (June 2010), No. 81
Cadaverland: Inventing a Pathology of Catastrophe for Holocaust Survival (The Limits of Medical Knowledge & Historical Memory). Waltham, Mass: Brandeis University Press, 2009. xi + 208 pp. Notes, bibliography, and index. U.S. (cl). ISBN 978-1-58465-784-2.
,Review by Carolyn J. Dean, Brown University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (June 2010), No. 82
Renault und Daimler-Benz in der Zwischenkriegzeit (1919-1939): Eine vergleichende Unternehmensgeschichte zweier europäischer Automobilhersteller. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2008. 296 pp. Tables, bibliography. 47€(pb). ISBN 978-3-515-09200-5.
,Review by Hubert Bonin, Sciences Po Bordeaux.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (June 2010), No. 83
Biribi: les bagnes coloniaux de l’armée française. Paris: Perrin, 2009. 344 pp. Notes, bibliography, index. €21 (pb). ISBN 978-2-262-02384-3.
,Review by Richard S. Fogarty, University at Albany, State University of New York.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (June 2010), No. 84
Future Tense: The Culture of Anticipation in France between the Wars. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 2009. xi + 203 pp. Illustrations, notes, bibliography, and index. $39.95 U.S. (cl). ISBN 978-0-8014-4670-2.
,Review by Michael Miller, University of Miami.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (June 2010), No. 85
Notebooks: 1951-1959, trans. and introduction and afterword by Ryan Bloom. Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 2008. xix + 264 pp. $27.50 U.S. (hb). ISBN 978-1-56663-775-6.
,Review by Mark Orme, University of Central Lancashire.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (June 2010), No. 86
La quatrième république et l’outre-mer français: Actes du colloque tentu au Centre d’histoire de Science Po, les 29 et 30 novembre 2007. Paris: Société Française d’Histoire d’Outre-mer, 2009. 157 pp. ISBN 9782859700454.
, eds.Review by Jeremy Rich, Middle Tennessee State University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (June 2010), No. 87
The Heroic City: Paris, 1945-1958. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 2009. xiii + 401 pp. Figures, notes, bibliography, and index. $35.00 U.S. (cl). ISBN 978-0-226-87023-6.
,Review by W. Brian Newsome, Elizabethtown College.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (June 2010), No. 88
Debussy’s Mélisande: The Lives of Georgette Leblanc, Mary Garden and Maggie Teyte. Woodbridge, UK: The Boydell Press, 2009. xii + 348 pp. Illustrations, notes, bibliography and index. $60.00 U.S. (cl). ISBN 978-1-84383-459-5.
,Review by Jolanta T. Pekacz, Dalhousie University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (June 2010), No. 89
French Masculinities: History, Culture and Politics. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. xi + 249 pp. Figures, notes. $100.00 U.S. (cl). ISBN 978-0-230-00661-4.
, eds.,Review by Mary Lynn Stewart, Simon Fraser University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (June 2010), No. 90
July Reviews
Jonathan A. Reid, King’s Sister – Queen of Dissent: Marguerite de Navarre (1492-1549) and her Evangelical Network. 2 vols, Leiden and New York: Brill, 2009. (volume 1) xxii + 377 pp. Tables and notes. (volume 2) viii + 379-800pp. Tables, notes, bibliography, and index. $281.00 (hb). ISBN 978-90-04-17497-9.
Review by Susan Broomhall, The University of Western Australia.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (July 2010), No. 91
Natalie Adamson, Painting, Politics and the Struggle for the École de Paris, 1944-1964. Farnham, England and Burlington, Vt.: Ashgate, 2009. xii + 318 pp. Illustrations, bibliography, and index. $124.95 U.S. (cl.), ISBN 978-0-7546-5928-0.
Review by Thomas F McDonough, Binghamton University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (July 2010), No. 92
Aedín Ní Loingsigh, Postcolonial Eyes: Intercontinental Travel in Francophone African Literature. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2009. x + 216 pp. notes, bibliography, and index. $95.00 (hb). ISBN 978-1-84631-049-2.
Review by Mildred Mortimer, University of Colorado, Boulder.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (July 2010), No. 93
Bernadette Höfer, Psychosomatic Disorders in Seventeenth-Century French Literature. (Literary and Scientific Cultures of Early Modernity). Burlington, Vt., and Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate, 2009. xiii + 245 pp. Figures, bibliography, and index. £55.00 UK (hb). ISBN 978-0-7546-6621-9 (hb), 978-0-7546-9697-1 (eb).
Review by Amy Wygant, University of Glasgow
H-France Review Vol. 10 (July 2010), No. 94
Scott Carpenter, Aesthetics of Fraudulence in Nineteenth-Century France: Frauds, Hoaxes and Counterfeits. Surrey and Burlington, VT: Ashgate Publishing, 2009. Illustrations, notes, bibliography, index. xiii + 190 pp. $99.00 (cloth). ISBN 978-0-7546-6807-7.
Review by Robin Walz, University of Alaska Southeast.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (July 2010), No. 95
Richard Vernier, Lord of the Pyrenees: Gaston Fébus, count of Foix (1331-1391). Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer Ltd, 2008. x + 222 pp. Maps, figures, notes, bibliography, and index. $105.00 U.S. (cl). ISBN 978-1-84383-356-7.
Review by Craig Taylor, University of York.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (July 2010), No. 96
Luc Foisneau, general editor, The Dictionary of Seventeenth-Century Philosophers. London and New York: Thoemmes Continuum, 2008. 2 volumes, xxvi + 1313 pp., index. $795 (cl.). ISBN: 978-0-82641-861-6.
Review by April Shelford, American University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (July 2010), No. 97
Jennifer Popiel, Rousseau’s Daughters: Domesticity, Education, and Autonomy in Modern France, Durham, University of New Hampshire Press, 2008. 284 pp. Illustrations, notes and index. $50 U.S. (cl.), ISBN 978-1-58465-723-3.
Review by Rebecca Rogers, Université Paris Descartes, UMR Cerlis.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (July 2010), No. 98
Nicholas Dew, Orientalism in Louis XIV’s France. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2009. xv + 301 pp. Notes, bibliography, and index. $110.00 (hb). ISBN 978-0-19-923484-4.
Review by Julia Landweber, Montclair State University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (July 2010), No. 99
Michèle Goyens and Werner Verbeke, eds., “Lors est ce jour grant joie nee”: Essais de langue et de littérature françaises du moyen âge. Mediaevalia Lovaniensia 41. Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2009. xv + 198 pp. Figures and indices. $55.00 U.S. (pb). ISBN: 978-90-5867-740-2.
Review by Tara Foster, Northern Michigan University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (July 2010), No. 100
Geoffrey Grossus, The Life of Blessed Bernard of Tiron. Translated with an introduction and notes by Ruth Harwood Cline. Medieval Texts in Translation Series. Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 2009. xxxiv + 177 pp. Maps, bibliography and index. $24.95 (p) ISBN 978-0-8132-1681-2.
Review by Scott G. Bruce, University of Colorado at Boulder.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (July 2010), No. 101
William Beik, A Social and Cultural History of Early Modern France. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009. xvii + 401 pp. Maps, figures, notes, appendices, and index. $85.00 U.S. (cl) and $29.99 U.S. (pb). ISBN978-0-521-70956-9.
Review by Michael Breen, Reed College.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (July 2010), No. 102
Zina Weygand, The Blind in French Society from the Middle Ages to the Century of Louis Braille. Translated by Emily-Jane Cohen. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2009. $60 (cl.). ISBN 978-0-8047-5768-3.
François Buton, L’administration des faveurs: L’État, les sourds et les aveugles (1789-1885). Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2009. 30€. ISBN-13: 978-2753508514
Review by Anne Quartararo, U.S. Naval Academy.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (July 2010), No. 103
August Reviews
Jean-Marc Regnault and Viviane Fayaud, eds., La Nouvelle-Calédonie: Vingt années de concorde, 1988-2008. Paris: Société Française d’Histoire d’Outre Mer, 2009. Illustrations, notes, bibliography. €32 (pb). ISBN: 978-2-85-970043-0.
Review by Alice Bullard, Ph.D., Independent Scholar and Consultant, Washington, D.C.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (August 2010), No. 104
Corry Cropper, Playing at Monarchy: Sport as Metaphor in Nineteenth-Century France. Lincoln and London: University of Nebraska Press, 2008. xxiv + 248 pp. Illustrations, notes, bibliography, and index. $45.00 U.S. (cl). ISBN 978-0-8032-1773-7.
Review by Bradford Brown, Bradley University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (August 2010), No. 105
Susan L. Einbinder, No Place of Rest: Jewish Literature, Expulsion, and the Memory of Medieval France. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2009. 267 pp. Illustrations, notes, bibliography, and index. $55.00. U.S. (cl). ISBN 978-0-8122-4115-0.
Review by Matilda Tomaryn Bruckner, Boston College.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (August 2010), No. 106
Sharon Kettering, Power and Reputation at the Court of Louis XIII: The Career of Charles d’Albert, duc de Luynes (1578-1621). Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press, 2008. ix + 265pp. Figures, notes, bibliography, and index. $71.22 U.S. (cl). ISBN 978-0-7190-7786-9.
Review by Gayle K. Brunelle, California State University, Fullerton.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (August 2010), No. 107
Julian Jackson, Living in Arcadia: Homosexuality, Politics, and Morality in France from the Liberation to AIDS. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 2009. xiii + 321 pp. Illustrations, notes, bibliography, and index. $40.00 U.S. (cl). ISBN 978-0-226-38925-7.
Review by David Caron, University of Michigan.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (August 2010), No. 108
John J. Conley, Adoration and Annihilation: The Convent Philosophy of Port-Royal. Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press, 2009. xiv + 303 pp. Appendices, notes, works cited, and index. $50.00 (US) ISBN (cl). 978-0-268-02296-9.
Review by Thomas M. Carr, Jr., University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (August 2010), No. 109
Mathieu Guérin, Paysans de la forêt à l’époque coloniale: La pacification des aborigènes des hautes terres du Cambodge (1863-1940). Series “Bibliothèque d’Histoire Rurale” vol. 10. Caen: Association d’Histoire des Sociétés Rurales/Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2008. IV + 362 pp. Maps, tables, figures, notes, bibliography, and index. 29.00€ (cl). ISBN 979-2-911-369-09-4.
Review by David W. Del Testa, Bucknell University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (August 2010), No. 110
Jonathan Sumption, The Hundred Years War, Vol. III: Divided Houses. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2009. 1024 pp. Maps, plans, tables, notes, bibliography, and index. $45.00 U.S. (cl) £29.50 ISBN 978-0-8122-4223-2
Review by Deborah Fraioli, Simmons College, Boston.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (August 2010), No. 111
Harvey Hill, Louis-Pierre Sardella, and C. J. T. Talar, By Those Who Knew Them: French Modernists Left, Right, and Center. Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 2008. 198 pp. $59.95 U.S. (cl). ISBN 978-0-8132-1537-2.
Review by Darrell Jodock, Gustavus Adolphus College.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (August 2010), No. 112
Hubert Bonin, Catherine Hodeir, and Jean-François Klein, eds., L’Esprit Economique Impérial (1830 – 1970): Groupes de pression & réseaux du patronat colonial en France & dans l’empire (Paris: Publications de la SFHOM, 2008), 844+ii pp., 70€.
ISBN: 2-85970-037-4.
Review by Alexander Keese, Centro de Estudos Africanos da Universidade do Porto (Portugal)
H-France Review Vol. 10 (August 2010), No. 113
Benjamin Claude Brower, A Desert Named Peace: The Violence of France’s Empire in the Algerian Sahara, 1844-1902. New York: Columbia University Press, 2009. Xv + 417 pp. Bibliography, notes, and index. Cloth $50.00. ISBN: 978-0-231-15492-5.
Review by Clifford Rosenberg, City College and the Graduate Center, CUNY.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (August 2010), No. 114
Edgar Morin, Vidal and His Family: From Salonica to Paris, The Story of a Sephardic Family in the Twentieth Century, Deborah Cowell, trans, Brighton and Portland: Sussex Academic Press, 2009. xiv+330 pp. $37.50 US (cl). Chronology, notes, and index. (pb).ISBN 978-1-84519-274-7.
Review by Laura S. Schor, Hunter College.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (August 2010), No. 115
Pascale Goetschel and Jean-Claude Yon, eds. Directeurs de théâtre XIXe-XXe siècles, Histoire d’une profession. Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne, Collection «Histoire de la France aux XIXe et XXe siècles», 2008. 253 p. B/W illustrations. 25 €. ISBN 978-2-85944-600-0 (pb.).
Review by Guy Spielmann, Georgetown University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (August 2010), No. 116
Chris Darke, Alphaville. Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 2005. xii + 114 pp. Notes, appendices, filmography, bibliography. $50.00 U.S. (cl). ISBN 978-0-252-03088-8. $15.00 U.S. (pb). ISBN 978-0-252-07329-8.
Review by Tom Conley, Harvard University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (August 2010), No. 117
September Reviews
Janet Beizer, Thinking Through the Mothers: Reimagining Women’s Biographies, Ithaca, N.Y., and London: Cornell University Press, 2009. xii, 276 pp. footnotes, bibliography and index. $45 (cl) ISBN 978-0-8014-3851-6
Review by Elinor Accampo, University of Southern California, Los Angeles.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (September 2010), No. 118
Laine E. Doggett, Love Cures: Healing and Love Magic in Old French Romance. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2009. 267 pp. $39 pb. ISBN 978-0-271-03531-4.
Review by Tracy Adams, University of Auckland
H-France Review Vol. 10 (September 2010), No. 119
Erec R. Koch, The Aesthetic Body: Passion, Sensibility, and Corporeality in Seventeenth-Century France. Newark: University of Delaware Press, 2008. 390 pp. Notes, bibliography, and index. $75.00 U.S. (cl). ISBN 978-0-87413-010-2.
Review by Stephen Bold, Boston College.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (September 2010), No. 120
Jean-François Mouhot, Les réfugiés acadiens en France, 1758-1785. L’impossible réintégration? Quebec City: Septentrion, 2009. 8-448 pp. Abbreviations, maps, glossary, biographical sketches, bibliography, notes, and index. $34.95 CD (pb). ISBN 978-2-89448-513-2.
Review by Leslie Choquette, Institut français, Assumption College.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (September 2010), No. 121
Emilio Ocampo, The Emperor’s Last Campaign. A Napoleonic Empire in America. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 2009. xx + 503pp. Illustrations, notes, bibliographical essay, and index. $39.95 U.S. (cl). 978-0-8173-1646-4.
Review by Malcolm Crook, Keele University, United Kingdom.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (September 2010), No. 122
Karen Newman, Cultural Capitals. Early Modern London and Paris. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2007. 224 pp. $45.00 (cl). ISBN 10-069-11275-49.
Review by David Garrioch, Monash University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (September 2010), No. 123
Elisabeth Hodges, Urban Poetics in the French Renaissance. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2008. viii + 154. Illustrations, Notes, bibliography, and index. $99.95 U.S. (cl). ISBN: 978-0-7546-6206-8.
Review by Michael J. Giordano, Wayne State University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (September 2010), No. 124
Bruno Dumons, Les “saints de la République”. Les décorés de la Légion d’Honneur (1870-1940). Paris: La Boutique de l’Histoire, 2009, 507 pp. 34€ (cl). ISBN 978-2-910828-48-6.
Review by Sudhir Hazareesingh, Balliol College, University of Oxford.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (September 2010), No. 125
Morag Martin, Selling Beauty: Cosmetics, Commerce, and French Society, 1750-1830. Baltimore, Md.: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2009. viii + 228pp. Figures, notes, bibliography, and index. $55.00 U.S. (hb) ISBN 0-80-189309-7.
Review by Jennifer M. Jones, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (September 2010), No. 126
Guillaume Mazeau, Le bain de l’histoire. Charlotte Corday et l’attentat contre Marat, 1793-2009. Seyssel: Champ Vallon, 2009. Maps and illustrations. 427 pp. 29€. ISBN 978-2876735019 (pb). Guillaume Mazeau, Corday contre Marat. Deux siècles d’images. Versailles: Art Lys Editions, 2009. 80 pp. Illustrations. 15€. ISBN 978-2854953770 (pb).
Review by Annie Jourdan, Université d’Amsterdam
H-France Review Vol. 10 (September 2010), No. 127
Geraldine Sheridan, Louder Than Words: Ways of Seeing Women Workers in Eighteenth-Century France. Lubbock: Texas Tech University Press, 2009. xiv + 256 pp. Illustrations, notes, bibliography, and index. $55.00 U.S. (cl). ISBN 978-0-8967-2622-2.
Review by Cynthia J. Koepp, Wells College.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (September 2010), No. 128
Courtney M. Booker, Past Convictions: The Penance of Louis the Pious and the Decline of the Carolingians. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2009. x + 420 pp. Tables, notes, bibliography and index. $75.00 U.S. (cl). ISBN-13 978-0812241686.
Review by Felice Lifshitz, Florida International University
H-France Review Vol. 10 (September 2010), No. 129
Sara K. Barker, Protestantism, Poetry and Protest: The Vernacular Writings of Antoine de Chandieu (c. 1534-1591). Farnham and Burlington: Ashgate, 2009. xiv + 335 pp. Tables, notes, bibliography, and index. $124.95 U.S. (cl). ISBN 978-0-7546-6491-8.
Review by Raymond A. Mentzer, University of Iowa.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (September 2010), No. 130
Norman R. Shapiro, ed. and trans., French Women Poets of Nine Centuries: The Distaff and the Pen. Baltimore, Md.: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008. xlvi + 1183 pp. Intro. Roberta L. Krueger, Catherine Lafarge & Catherine Perry. Foreword Rosanna Warren. Notes, bibliography, and indexes. $85.00 U.S. (hb). ISBN 13: 978-0-8018-8804-5. ISBN 10: 0-8018-8804-2.
Review by Vicki Mistacco, Wellesley College.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (September 2010), No. 131
Rosemary Hamilton Yeoland; with a foreward by Guy Ducrey, La Contribution litteraire de Camille Mauclair au domaine musical parisien. Lewiston, N.Y.: The Edwin Mellen Press, 2008. xxii + 331 pp. Notes, bibliography and index. $119.00 U.S. (hb). ISBN 0-7734-4860-8.
Review by Lisa Norris, Kutztown University of Pennsylvania.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (September 2010), No. 132
Response by Rosemary Hamilton Yeoland, University of Tasmania
H-France Review Vol. 10 (September 2010), No. 133
Charles Baudelaire, Paris Spleen: Little Poems in Prose. Translated by Keith Waldrop. Middletown, Conn.: Wesleyan University Press, 2009. xiii + 99 pp. $22.95 U.S. (cl). ISBN 978-0-8195-6909-7.
Review by William Olmsted, Valparaiso University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (September 2010), No. 134
Allan H. Pasco, Revolutionary Love in Eighteenth- and Early Nineteenth-Century France. Farnham and Burlington: Ashgate Publishing, 2009. 236 pp. £55.00 or $99.95 (hb). ISBN 978-0-7546-5610-4.
Review by Giulia Pacini, College of William & Mary.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (September 2010), No. 135
Lesley H. Walker, A Mother’s Love: Crafting Feminine Virtue in Enlightenment France. Lewisburg, Penn: Bucknell University Press, 2008. 251 pp. Figures, notes, bibliography, and index. $52.50. U.S. (hb). ISBN 0-8387-5685-0
Review by Jennifer J. Popiel, Saint Louis University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (September 2010), No. 136
Christopher Cave and Simon Davies, eds., Les vies de Voltaire: discours et représentations biographiques, XVIIIe-XXIe siècles. Oxford, UK: Voltaire Foundation, 2008. x + 478 pp, 1 ill. Notes, index. £75/€108/$155. (pb). ISBN 978-0-7294-0929-2.
Review by Geoffrey Turnovsky, University of Washington
H-France Review Vol. 10 (September 2010), No. 137
Pierre Rousselot, Essays on Love and Knowledge. Edited by Andrew Tallon and Pol Vandevelde. Translated by Andrew Tallon, Pol Vandevelde, and Alan Vincelette. Milwaukee, Wis.: Marquette University Press, 2008. 264 pp. Appendix and index. $30.00 U.S. (pb). ISBN 0-87462-655-2.
Review by D. C. Schindler, Villanova University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (September 2010), No. 138
Jon R. Snyder, Dissimulation and the Culture of Secrecy in Early Modern Europe. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2009. 271 pages + index. $45.00 U.S. (cl). ISBN: 978-0-520-22819-1
Review by Jacob Soll, Rutgers University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (September 2010), No. 139
Robert J. Young, An American by Degrees: The Extraordinary Lives of French Ambassador Jules Jusserand. Montreal; McGill-Queens University Press, 2009. xxv-327, pp. $49.95 U.S. (cl). ISBN-10: 0773535721.
Review by Irwin Wall, University of California, Riverside.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (September 2010), No. 140
Amy Wygant, Medea, Magic, and Modernity in France: Stages and Histories, 1553-1797. Aldershot and Burlington, Ver.: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2007. X + 217 pp. Footnotes, figures, bibliography, and index. $99.95 U.S. (hb). ISBN 978-0-7546-5924-2
Review by Rebecca M. Wilkin, Pacific Lutheran University
H-France Review Vol. 10 (September 2010), No. 141
Helen Abbott, Between Baudelaire and Mallarmé: Voice, Conversation and Music. Surrey, UK and Burlington, Vt.: Ashgate Press, 2009. xi + 245 pp. Tables, musical example, bibliography, and index. $99.95 U.S./£55.00 UK (cl). ISBN 9780754667452.
Review by Joseph Acquisto, University of Vermont.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (September 2010), No. 142
Jay Winter, ed., The Legacy of the Great War: Ninety Years On. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 2009. vii + 217 pp. Illustrations, notes, bibliography, index. $19.95 U.S. (pb). ISBN 978-0-8262-1872-8.
Review by William R. Keylor, Boston University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (September 2010), No. 143
John Glover, Sufism and Jihad in Modern Senegal: The Murid Order. Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press, 2007. ix + 236pp. Maps, tables, figures, notes, appendices, bibliography, index, list of titles in the Rochester Studies in African History and the Diaspora, Toyin Falola, Senior Editor. U.S.$75.00 (hb). ISBN- 10: 1-58046-268-5.
Review by Allen Roberts, University of California, Los Angeles.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (September 2010), No. 144
Ivan Jablonka, Les enfants de l’exil. Transfert de pupilles réunionnais en métropole (1963-1982). Paris: Seuil, 2007. 344 pp. Bibliography, notes, index, chronology. ISBN 978-2-02-093229-5.
Review by Françoise Vergès, Goldsmiths College.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (September 2010), No. 145
October Reviews
Michael Wolfe , Walled Towns and the Shaping of France: From the Medieval to the Early Modern Era , New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. vi + 266 pp. Maps, figures, notes, bibliography, and index. $84.95 U.S. (cl). ISBN 978-0-230-60812-2
Review by Yair Mintzker, Princeton University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (October 2010), No. 146
Hubertus Kohle and Rolf Reichardt , Visualizing the Revolution. Politics and Pictorial Arts in Late Eighteenth-Century France, London : Reaktion Books Ltd (distributed by the of Chicago Press), 2008. 294 pp. 187 figures, notes, bibliography, and index. £25.00 UK, $45.00 US (cl). ISBN-13: 978-1-86189-312-3.
Review by Philippe Bordes, Institut national d’histoire de l’art, Paris and Université Lyon 2.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (October 2010), No. 147
Kirrily Freeman, Bronzes to Bullets: Vichy and the Destruction of French Public Statuary, 1941-1944 , Stanford, Cal.: Stanford University Press, 2009. xviii + 246 pp. Maps, tables, illustrations, notes, bibliography, and index. ISBN 978-0-8047-5889-5
Review by Robert Aldrich, University of Sydney.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (October 2010), No. 148
David G. Schultenover, S.J., ed. , The Reception of Pragmatism in France & The Rise of Roman Catholic Modernism, 1890-1924 , Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 2009. 247 pp. ISBN 978-0-8132-1572-3
Review by Gary E. Aylesworth, Eastern Illinois University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (October 2010), No. 149
Clifford J. Rogers, Essays on Medieval Military History: Strategy, Military Revolutions and the Hundred Years War , Burlington, VT, 2010. 346 pp. £72.50 (cl). ISBN-10: 0754659968.
Review by David Stewart Bachrach, University of New Hampshire.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (October 2010), No. 150
Barry M. Shapiro , Traumatic Politics: The Deputies and the King in the Early French Revolution , University Park: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 2009. x + 204 pp. Notes, bibliography, and index. $65.00 U.S. (cl). ISBN 978-0-271-03542-0
Review by Alan Williams, Wake Forest University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (October 2010), No. 151
J. A. W. Gunn , When the French Tried to be British: Party, Opposition, and the Quest for Civil Disagreement, 1814-1848 , Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2009. 498 pp. $95.00 U.S. (cl) ISBN 9768-0-7735-3512-1
Review by K. Steven Vincent, North Carolina State University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (October 2010), No. 152
J. B. Shank , The Newton Wars and the beginning of the French Enlightenment , Chicago, Il., and London: The University of Chicago Press, 2008. 464 pp. $55.00 U.S. (cl). ISBN-10: 0226749452
Review by Stéphane Van Damme, Sciences Po, Paris.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (October 2010), No. 153
Augustin Cochin , Organizing the Revolution: Selections from Augustin Cochin, trans. Nancy Derr Polin; with a preface by Claude Polin , Rockford, Ill.: Chronicles Press, 2007. $19.95 U.S.(pb). ISBN-10: 0972061673.
Review by Donald Sutherland, University of Maryland.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (October 2010), No. 154
Elisa Camiscioli , Reproducing the French Race: Immigration, Intimacy, and Embodiment in the Early Twentieth Century , Durham, N.C., and London: Duke University Press, 2009. xi + 227 pp. Figures, notes, bibliography, and index. $75.00 (cl). ISBN 9780822345480; $22.95 U.S. (pb). ISBN 9780822345657
Review by Judith Surkis, Institute for Advanced Study.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (October 2010), No. 155
Jody Enders , Murder by Accident: Medieval Theater, Modern Media, Critical Intentions , Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2009. xxii + 285pp. Appendix, notes, works cited, and index. ISBN-13:978-0-226-20783-4 (cloth), $45.00; 978-0-226-20785-8 (e-book), $5.00-45.00
Review by Helen Solterer, Duke University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (October 2010), No. 156
Tamela Ice , Resolving the Paradox of Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s Sexual Politics , Lanham, Md., and Plymouth, U.K.: University Press of America, 2009. xiv + 86 pp. Notes and bibliography. $18.95 U.S. (pb). ISBN 978-0-7618-4477-8
Review by Joel Schwartz, Independent Scholar.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (October 2010), No. 157
Jacob Soll , The Information Master: Jean-Baptiste Colbert’s Secret State Intelligence System , Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 2009. ix + 328 pp. Notes, bibliography, illustrations, and index. $ 65.00 U.S. (cl). ISBN-13: 978 0 472 11690 4
Review by P. C. Reynard, The University of Western Ontario.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (October 2010), No. 158
Daniel Vaillancourt , Les Urbanités parisiennes au XVIIe siècle: le livre du Trottoir , Quebec, Presses de l’Université Laval, 2009. pp. 334. $43.00 (cl). ISBN : 978-2-7637-8874-6
Review by Orest Ranum, The Johns Hopkins University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (October 2010), No. 159
Annie Jourdan , La Révolution batave entre la France et l’Amérique (1795-1806) , Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2008. 483 pp. Foreward, figures, and bibliography. € 22 (pb). ISBN 978-2-7535-0702-9
Review by Janet Polasky, University of New Hampshire.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (October 2010), No. 160
Roy A. Prete , Strategy and Command: The Anglo-French Coalition on the Western Front, 1914 , Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2009. xvii + 299 pp. Bibliography. Notes. Index. $95 U.S. (cl). ISBN 978-0-7735-3522-0.
Review by Michael Neiberg, United States Army War College and The University of Southern Mississippi.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (October 2010), No. 161
Daisy Delogu , Theorizing the Ideal Sovereign: The Rise of the French Vernacular Royal Biography , Toronto, Buffalo and London: University of Toronto Press, 2008. viii + 300 pp. Notes, bibliography and indices. $72.00 U.S. ISBN 978-0-80209807-8.
Review by William Chester Jordan, Princeton University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (October 2010), No. 162
Catherine Randall , From a Far Country: Camisards and Huguenots in the Atlantic World , Athens, Ga: University of Georgia Press, 2009. 176 pp. Index. $44.95 U.S. (cl). ISBN 13-978-0-8203-3390-8
Review by W. Gregory Monahan, Eastern Oregon University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (October 2010), No. 163
Bette W. Oliver , Orphans on the Earth: Girondin Fugitives from the Terror, 1793-1794 , Lanham, Md. and Plymouth, U.K.: Lexington Books, 2009. ix + 129 pp. Maps, notes, bibliography, and index. $60 (cl). ISBN 978-0-7391-2731-5
Review by Kenneth Margerison, Texas State University-San Marcos.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (October 2010), No. 164
Seth Graebner , History’s Place : Nostalgia and the City in French Algerian Literature , Lanham, Boulder, New York, Toronto, Plymouth UK: Lexington Books, Rowman & Littlefield publishers, inc, 2007, x + 346 pp., Tables, figures, notes, bibliography and index. $105.00 U.S. (cl). ISBN-13 978-0-7391-1542-4; ISNB-10 0-7391-1582-0
Review by Franck Laurent, Université du Main.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (October 2010), No. 165
Erika Naginski , Sculpture and Enlightenment , Los Angeles: Getty Research Institute, 2009. 336 pp. $45.00 U.S. (cl). ISBN-10: 0892369590
Review by Harold Mah, Queen’s University, Canada.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (October 2010), No. 166
Alessandro Stanziani, editor , La qualité des produits en France (XVIIIe-XXe siècles) , Paris : Belin, 2004. Notes, index, 345 pages. 23€ (cl). ISBN 2701135462
Review by Janine Marie Lanza, Wayne State University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (October 2010), No. 167
Mark Blackell, John Duncan, and Simon Kow, eds. , Rousseau and Desire , Toronto, Buffalo, and London: University of Toronto Press, 2009. vii +206 pp. Notes and bibliography. $43.00 U.S. (cl) ISBN 978-1-4426-4041-2
Review by Christopher Kelly, Boston College.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (October 2010), No. 168
Zvi Jonathan Kaplan , Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea? French Jewry and the Problem of Church and State , Providence, Rhode Island: Brown University Press, 2009. viii + 140 pp. Notes, bibliography, and index. $19.95 (hb). ISBN-10: 1930675615
Review by Julie Kalman, University of New South Wales.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (October 2010), No. 169
Simone Roux , Paris in the Middle Ages, trans. Jo Ann McNamara, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2009. xvi + 249 pp. Maps, tables, notes, bibliography, chronology, glossary, and index. $29.95 U.S. (cl). ISBN 978-0-8122-4159-4
Review by Tanya Stabler Miller, Purdue University, Calumet.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (October 2010), No. 170
Frederic Spotts , The Shameful Peace. How French Artists and Intellectuals Survived the Nazi Occupation , New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 2008. 296 pp. $22.00 U.S. (pb). ISBN-10: 0300163991
Review by Nicholas Hewitt, University of Nottingham.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (October 2010), No. 171
William Doyle , Aristocracy and its Enemies in the Age of Revolution , Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009. ix +371 pp., bibliography, index. $60.00(cl). ISBN 978-0-19-955985-5
Review by Doina Pasca Harsanyi, Central Michigan University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (October 2010), No. 172
Marguerite Vacher , Nuns Without Cloister: Sisters of St. Joseph in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries , Lanham, MD: University Press of America, Inc., 2010. xli + 425 pp. Maps, tables, figures, notes, bibliography, and index. $50.00 U.S. (pb). ISBN 978-0-7618-4342-9
Review by Susan E. Dinan, William Patterson University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (October 2010), No. 173
Anne D. Hedeman , Translating the Past. Laurent de Premierfait and Boccaccio’s De casibus , Los Angeles: Published by the J. Paul Getty Museum, 2008. xv+280 pp. Appendices, notes, references, indexes. 36€ (cl). ISBN 978-0-89236-935-5
Review by Daisy Delogu, University of Chicago.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (October 2010), No. 174
Nicholas Cronk, ed. , Voltaire and the 1760s: Essays for John Renwick, Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century 2008:10 , Oxford, Voltaire Foundation, 2008, ix and 294 pp. $145 U.S. (cl). ISBN 978 0 7294 0949 0. ISSN 0435-2866
Review by Harvey Chisick, University of Haifa.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (October 2010), No. 175
Michael Sutton , France and the Construction of Europe, 1944-2007: The Geopolitical Imperative , New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2007. xiv + 366 pp. $85.00 US. (hb). ISBN 978-1-84545-393-0
Review by Herrick Chapman, New York University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (October 2010), No. 176
Janet L. Nelson , Courts, Elites, and Gendered Power in the Early Middle Ages. Charlemagne and Others , Aldershot, U.K. and Burlington, Vermont: Ashgate, 2007. Ix + 332 pp. Notes and index. US $134.95 (hb.) ISBN 978-0-7546-5933-4
Review by Charles R. Bowlus, University of Arkansas at Little Rock.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (October 2010), No. 177
Ludovic Frobert, Les Canuts ou la démocratie turbulente. Lyon, 1831-1834 , Lyon: Tallandier, 2009. 224 pp. Annexes, notes, illustrations, and index. 25 € (pb). ISBN: 978-2-84734-570-4
Review by Jonathan Beecher, University of California, Santa Barbara.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (October 2010), No. 178
November Reviews
Daisy Delogu , Response to William Chester Jordan review of Theorizing the Ideal Sovereign: The Rise of the French Vernacular Royal Biography.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (Month 2010), No. 179
Sudipta Das , De Broglie’s Armada: A Plan for the Invasion of England, 1765-1777 , Lanham: University Press of America, 2009. xiii + 116 pp. Map, tables, notes, bibliography, and index. $20.99 U.S. (pb). ISBN 978-0-7618-4395-5
Review by Linda Frey, University of Montana, and Marsha Frey, Kansas State University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (November 2010), No. 180
Alberto Gabriele , Popular Culture in Victorian Print: Belgravia and Sensationalism , New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. xxvii +275. Figures, notes, appendix, bibliography and index. $80.00 U.S. (hb). ISBN 978-0-230-61521-2
Review by Beth Palmer, University of Leeds.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (November 2010), No. 181
Please see the continued discussion that occurred on H-France.
Robert Zaretsky , Albert Camus: Elements of a Life , Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 2010, x + 181 pp. Notes and index. $24.95 U.S (cl.) ISBN 978-0- 8014-4805-8
Review by William E. Duvall, Willamette University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (November 2010), No. 182
Brian Brazeau , Writing a New France, 1604-1632: Empire and Early Modern French Identity , Surrey: Ashgate, 2009. 172 pp. $89.95 U.S. (cl). ISBN-10: 0754661121
Review by Ann T. Delehanty, Reed College.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (November 2010), No. 183
Patrick Weil , Liberté, Égalité, Discriminations: L’«Identité Nationale» au regard de l’histoire , Paris: Grasset, 2008. 208 pp. 17.50€ (pb). ISBN-10: 2246646812
Review by Richard Derderian, California Lutheran University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (November 2010), No. 184
Charles-Philippe Courtois , La Conquête: Une anthologie , Montreal, Quebec: Éditions TYPO, 2009. 485 pp. Map, table of contents, appendix. $22.16 U.S. ISBN978-2- 89295-242-1
Review by Linda Frey, University of Montana, and Marsha Frey, Kansas State University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (November 2010), No. 185
Graham Johnson, Gabriel Fauré: The Songs and their Poets , Guildhall Research Studies. Burlington, VT and Farnham, UK: Ashgate, 2009. 488 pp. $89.95 U.S. (cl). ISBN -10: 0754659607
Review by William Gibbons, University of Iowa.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (November 2010), No. 186
John Cotts , The Clerical Dilemma: Peter of Blois and Literate Culture in the Twelfth Century , Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 2009. xi + 320 pp. Notes, bibliography, and index. $74.95 U.S. (cl). ISBN 978-0813216768.
Review by Daniel Hobbins, Ohio State University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (November 2010), No. 187
Jonathan R. Dull , The Age of the Ship of the Line: The British and French Navies, 1650-1815 , (Lincoln and London: University of Nebraska Press, 2009). 268 pp. $29.95 U.S. (cl). ISBN: 978-0-8032-1930-4
Review by Alan James, King’s College, London.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (November 2010), No. 188
December Reviews
Catherine M. Jones, Philippe de Vigneulles and the Art of Prose Translation. Cambridge: D.S. Brewer, 2008. viii + 151 pp. Bibliography and index. $95.00 (U.S.) hb. ISBN 978-1-84384-158-6.
Review by Valerie Worth-Stylianou, Trinity College, Oxford.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (December 2010), No. 189
Elisabeth Mudimbe-Boyi, ed., Empire Lost: France and its Other Worlds. Lanham, MD and Plymouth, UK: Lexington Books, 2009. xxiii + 236 pp. Notes, bibliography, index, contributors. £44.95/$70.00 (cloth). ISBN-13: 978-0-7391-2135-1; ISBN-10: 0-7391-2135-9.
Review by Margaret A. Majumdar, University of Portsmouth, UK.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (December 2010), No. 190
Donald A. Bailey, transcriber and editor of Nicolas Lefèvre, sieur de Lezeau, La vie de Michel de Marillac (1560-1632), Garde des Sceaux de France sous Louis XIII. Les Presses del’Université Laval, 2007. 724 pp. Illustrations, maps, tables, appendices, notes, bibliography, and index. $69.95 CAN. ISBN 978-2-7637-8313-0.
Review by Sharon Kettering, Montgomery College in Maryland.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (December 2010), No. 191
David Sorkin, The Religious Enlightenment: Protestants, Jews and Catholics from London to Vienna. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2008. pp. xv+339. $35.00 (cloth). ISBN-10: 0691149372.
Review by Ronald Schechter, College of William and Mary.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (December 2010), No. 192
John Dumnore, Where Fate Beckons: The Life of Jean-François de la Pérouse, Fairbanks, University of Alaska Press, 2007, 304 pp. 17 halftones, 17 maps. $45.00 U.S. (cl). ISBN 978-160023-0026.
Review by John West-Sooby, University of Adelaide.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (December 2010), No. 193
Alice L. Conklin, Sarah Fishman and Robert Zaretsky, France and Its Empire Since 1870. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011, xx + 425 pp. Maps, figures, notes and index. $34.95 U.S. (pb). ISBN 0-19-973518-2.
Review by Stephen A. Toth, Arizona State University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (December 2010), No. 194
Jane Conroy, ed. Franco-Irish Connections: Essays, Memoirs and Poems in Honour of Pierre Joannon. Dublin and Portland, Oregon: Four Courts Press, 2009. xix + 364 pp. Photographs, maps, notes on contributors, and index. €55 Europe; £50 UK; $70 North America. (hb). ISBN 978-1-84682-212-4.
Review by Sarah Alyn Stacey, Trinity College Dublin.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (December 2010), No. 195
Jean-Luc Chappey, Des naturalistes en Révolution: Les procès-verbaux de la Société d’histoire naturelle de Paris (1790-1798). Paris: CTHS, 2009. 352 pp. Annex, bibliography, and two indexes. €28.00 (pb). ISBN 978273550707.8.
Review by E. C. Spary, University of Cambridge.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (December 2010), No. 196
C. J. T. Talar, ed., Modernists and Mystics. Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 2009. xii + 152 pp. Bibliography, index. $44.95 U.S. (hb). ISBN 0813217091.
Review by David G. Schultenover, S.J., Marquette University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (December 2010), No. 197
Lawrence M. Bryant, Ritual, Ceremony and the Changing Monarchy in France, 1350-1789. Variorum Collected Studies Series. Farnham, Surrey and Burlington, Vermont: Ashgate Variorum, 2010. x+340 pp. $139.95 (cl). ISBN 978-0-7546-6.
Review by Jotham Parsons, Duquesne University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (December 2010), No. 198
Jessica Wardhaugh, In Pursuit of the people. Political Culture in France, 1934-1939. Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2009. Xiii+300 pp. Bibliography and Index. £49.50. ISBN 978-0230202771.
Review by Kevin Passmore, Cardiff University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (December 2010), No. 199
Yannick Marec, Vers une République sociale ? Un itinéraire d’historien : Culture politique, patrimoine et protection sociale aux XIXe et XXe siècles. Mont-Saint-Aignan: Publications des Universités de Rouen et du Havre, 2009. 543 pp. 37.05€ (pb). ISBN-10: 2877754766
Review by Philip Nord, Princeton University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (December 2010), No. 200
Chandra Mukerji, Impossible Engineering: Technology and Territoriality on the Canal du Midi. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2009. 304 pp. ill., maps, notes, bibliography, and index. $ 35.00 U.S. (hbk.) ISBN: 9780691140322.
Review by Stephen Miller, University of Alabama at Birmingham.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (December 2010), No. 201
Philippe Poirrier and René Rizzardo, Une Ambition partagée? La coopération entre le ministère de la Culture et les collectivités territoriales (1959 – 2009). ‘Travaux et Documents’ series, vol 26. Paris: Comité d’histoire du ministère de la culture, 2009. 526 pp. Notes, Annexes: Outline of Research Programme, Indicative Bibliography, List of Contributors. €30 (pb). ISBN 978-2-11-097541-6.
Review by Lorna Milne, St. Andrews University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (December 2010), No. 202
Lawrence D. Kritzman, The Fabulous Imagination: On Montaigne’s Essays. New York: Columbia University Press, 2009. x + 227 pp. Notes, bibliography, and index. $29.50 U.S. (cl). ISBN 978-0-231-11992-4.
Review by Hassan Melehy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (December 2010), No. 203
Peter Machamer et J. E. McGuire, Descartes’s Changing Mind, Princeton University Press, Princeton and Oxford, 2009. 288 pp. Notes, bibliography, Index. $39.50 (hb). ISBN-13: 978-0691138893.
Compte-rendu par Simone Mazauric, Université de Nancy 2.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (December 2010), No. 204
Jean-Pierre Bardet, Elisabeth Arnoul and François-Joseph Ruggiu, eds. Les Écrits du For Privé en Europe du Moyen Âge à l’époque contemporaine: Enquêtes, Analyses, Publications. Bordeaux: Presses Universitaires de Bourdeaux, 2010. 658pp. €32 (pb). Tables, figures, notes. ISBN 978-2-86781-560-7.
Review by Katharine J. Lualdi, University of Southern Maine.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (December 2010), No. 205
Susan Rose, An English Town in France, 1347-1558. Woodbridge and Rochester: The Boydell Press, 2008. x + 187 pp. Maps, figures, bibliography, and index. $95.00 U.S. (hb). ISBN 978-1-84383-401-4.
Review by Christian D. Liddy, Durham University, UK.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (December 2010), No. 206
John Gaffney and Diana Holmes, eds. , Stardom in postwar France , New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2007. viii + 239 pp. Notes, bibliography, and index. $75.00 U.S. (hb). ISBN 978-1-84545-020-5
Review by Tamara Chaplin, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (December 2010), No. 207
Hannah Diamond and Simon Kitson, eds., Book Vichy, Resistance, Liberation: New Perspectives on Wartime France , (Oxford and New York: Berg 2005). 207 pp. ISBN 1-85973-772-2 (cloth).
Review by Vesna Drapac, University of Adelaide.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (December 2010), No. 208
Bregtje van der Haak, director , Grand Paris: The President and Its Architect , 50 min. DVD (First Run/Icarus Films, 2010) $375 U.S
Review by Annette Fierro, University of Pennsylvania.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (December 2010), No. 209
Ron Emoff , Music and the Performance of Identity on Marie-Galante, French Antilles, Farnham, England/Burlington, Vermont: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2009. 210 pp. $99.00 U.S. (cl). ISBN-10: 0754665658
Review by Julian Gerstin, Keene State College.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (December 2010), No. 210
Daryl M. Hafter , Women at Work in Preindustrial France , University Park: Penn State University Press, 2007. ix + 318 pp. Notes, bibliography, and index. $55.00 U.S. (cl.). ISBN-10: 0271029692n
Review by Julie Hardwick, University of Texas at Austin.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (December 2010), No. 211
Stephen Perkinson , The Likeness of the King. A Prehistory of Portraiture in Late Medieval France , Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 2009. xiv + 338 pp. Figures, notes, bibliography and index. $ 55.00 (cl). £ 38.00. ISBN 978-0-226-65879-7
Review by Nicole Hochner, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (December 2010), No. 212
Flora Fraser , Pauline Bonaparte: Venus of Empire , New York: Anchor Books, 2010. vi + 287 pp. Tables, illustrations, notes, bibliography, and index. $16.95 (paper). ISBN 978-0-307-27793-0
Review by David Jordan, University of Illinois at Chicago.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (December 2010), No. 213
Dawn Fulton , Signs of Dissent: Maryse Condé and Postcolonial Criticism , Charlottesville and London: University of Virginia Press, 2008. viii + 185 pp. Notes, bibliography, and index. $55.00 U.S. (cl). ISBN 978-0-8139-2714-5
Review by Nicole Simek, Whitman College.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (December 2010), No. 214
Shannon Lee Dawdy , Building the Devil’s Empire: French Colonial New Orleans , Chicago, Ill.: University of Chicago Press, 2008. 334 pp. $22.50 U.S. (pb). ISBN-13: 978-0226138428
Review by Gwendolyn Midlo Hall, Rutgers University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (December 2010), No. 215
Anne Gédéon Lafitte, Marquis de Pelleport, , The Bohemians , with an introduction by Robert Darnton, translated by Vivian Folkenflik. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2010. xlviii +193 pp. Notes. ISBN 978-0-8122-4194-5.
Review by Marie-Hélène Huet, Princeton University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (December 2010), No. 216
Jean-Marie Apostolidès , The Metamorphoses of Tintin or Tintin for Adults , Trans. By Jocelyn Hoy. Stanford, Cal.: Stanford University Press, 2010. xv + 295 pp. Tables, figures, and notes. $75.00 U.S. (cl). ISBN-10: 0804760306; $24.95 U.S. (pb). ISBN-10: 0804760314
Review by Richard Ivan Jobs, Pacific University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (December 2010), No. 217
Barbara L. Kelly and Kerry Murphy, eds. , Berlioz and Debussy: Sources, Contexts and Legacies. Essays in Honour of François Lesure , Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007. xix + 209 pp. Notes. £55.00 (cl). ISBN 978-0-7546-5392-9
Review by Katharine Ellis, Royal Holloway, University of London.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (December 2010), No. 218
Marc Augé , Casablanca: Movies and Memories , Minneapolis and London: University of Minnesota Press, 2009. Translated and with an afterword by Tom Conley. Originally published in French as Casablanca, Paris: Seuil 2007. 120 pp. Illustrations. $57.00 U.S. (cl). ISBN 978-0-8166-5640-0; $18.95 U.S. (pb). 978-0-8166-5641-7
Review by Sylvie E. Blum-Reid, University of Florida.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (December 2010), No. 219
William Chester Jordan , A Tale of Two Monasteries: Westminster and Saint-Denis in the Thirteenth Century , Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2009. xviii + 245 pp. Illustrations, notes, bibliography, and index. $35.00 U.S. (cl). ISBN 978-0-691-13901-2
Review by Constance B. Bouchard, University of Akron.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (December 2010), No. 220
Michel Sanouillet , Dada in Paris , revised and expanded by Anne Sanouillet, translated by Sharmila Ganguly, The MIT Press: Cambridge Massachusetts, London, 2009, xii + 705 pp. Appendixes, notes, bibliography, and index. $39.95 (cl). ISBN 978-0-262-01303-1
Review by Elza Adamowicz, Queen Mary University of London.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (December 2010), No. 221
Hafid Gafaïti, Patricia M. E. Lorcin and David G. Troyansky, eds., Transnational Spaces and Identities in the Francophone World , Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press, 2009. xxvi + 460 pp. Notes and index. $ 40.00 U.S. (pb). ISBN 978-0-8032-4452-8
Review by Andrew Stafford, University of Leeds.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (December 2010), No. 222
Dan Edelstein , The Terror of Natural Right. Republicanism, the Cult of Nature and the French Revolution , Chicago, Ill.: The University of Chicago Press, 2009. 337 pages. $25.00 U.S. (pb). ISBN-13 : 978-0-226-18438-8 ; ISBN-10 : 0-226-18438-2
Review by Jean-Clément Martin, Université de Paris I—Sorbonne.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (December 2010), No. 223
Stephen F. Brown, Thomas Dewender and Theo Kobusch, eds., Philosophical Debates at Paris in the Early Fourteenth Century , Studien und Texte zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters 102. Leiden and Boston: E. J. Brill, 2009. xviii + 519. Table, indices of manuscripts, names, and subjects. $231.00 U.S., 162 € (hb.). ISBN 978 90 04 17566 2
Review by William J. Courtenay, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (December 2010), No. 224
François Cusset , French Theory: How Deleuze, Derrida, Foucault & Co Transformed the Intellectual Life of the United States , University of Minnesota Press, 2008. 388 pp. $24.95 U.S. (pb). ISBN 978-0-8166-4733-0
Review by Reviewed by Tarek Elhaik, Rice University.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (December 2010), No. 225
Chimène Keitner , The Paradoxes of Nationalism: The French Revolution and Its Meaning for Contemporary Nation Building , SUNY Series in National Identities. Albany, N.Y.: State University of New York Press, 2007. x + 233 pp. Appendix, bibliography, notes and index. $21.95 U.S. (pb); ISBN: 978-0-79146-958-3
Review by D.M.G. Sutherland, University of Maryland.
H-France Review Vol. 10 (December 2010), No. 226