Join H-France

Subscribing & Unsubscribing

To SUBSCRIBE to H-France:

  1. Open a new email message
  2. In the TO field, enter:
  3. In the Subject line enter: subscribe H-France
  4. Remove any text or email signatures from the body of the message.
  5. Send your email.

(You may get an email back with a confirmation link.  Click the link to access the listserv interface, then confirm your subscription. )

If successful, you’ll get a welcome message back from the list.  If this fails, please contact Michael Breen or Christi Brookes.


  1. Open up a new email message.
  2. In the TO field, enter
  3. In the subject line enter:  unsubscribe H-France
  4. Remove any text and email signatures from the body of the message
  5. Send your email

You’ll be removed from the list and will get a confirmation note from the system.  The list managers will also be notified.

***Please unsubscribe from H-France and all other mailing lists if you are terminating a particular email account***