H-France Forum Volume 14 (2019)

Volume 14, Issue 5
Issue Editor: Masha Belenky, George Washington University

Andrew Sobanet, Generation Stalin: French Writers, the Fatherland, and the Cult of Personality. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2018. xi + 296 pp. Notes, bibliography and index. $75 US. (hb). ISBN: 978-0-253-03821-0; $36 (pb). ISBN: 978-0-253-03822-7.

Review Essays:

Lynn Higgins, Dartmouth College
Jean-Philippe Mathy, University of Illinois
Donald Reid, University of North Carolina
Susan Rubin Suleiman, Harvard University

Response essay by Andrew Sobanet, Georgetown University


Volume 14, Issue 4
Issue Editor: Hélène Bilis, Wellesley College

Jeffrey N. Peters, The Written World. Space, Literature, and the Chorological Imagination in Early Modern France. Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 2018. vii + 272 pp. Figures, notes, and index. $34.95 (pb). ISBN 978-0-8101-3697-7; $99.95 (cl). ISBN 978-0-8101-3698-4; $34.95 (Kindle). ISBN 978-0-8101-3699-1.

Review Essays:
Anna Rosensweig, University of Rochester
Volker Schröder, Princeton University
David L. Sedley, Haverford College
Elizabeth Hyde, Kean University

Response Essay by  Jeffrey N. Peters, University of Kentucky, Lexington

Volume 14, Issue 3
Issue Editor: Rachel Chrastil, Xavier University

Christine Haynes, Our Friends the Enemies: The Occupation of France after Napoleon. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2018. 404 pp. Notes and index. $39.95, £31.95, €36.00 (cl). ISBN 978-0-674-97341-5.

Review Essays:
Katherine Aaslestad, West Virginia University
Denise Z. Davidson, Georgia State University
Thomas Dodman, Columbia University
Alan Forrest, University of York

Response Essay by Christine Haynes, University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Volume 14, Issue 2
Issue Editor: Jack Censer, George Mason University

Lindsay Porter, Popular Rumor in Revolutionary Paris, 1792-1794. Series “War, Culture, and Society, 1750-1850.” Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2017. xii + 267 pp. Notes, bibliography of primary sources, index. £79.99, $109.99, €93.50 (cl.) ISBN 978-3-319-86047-3. £63.99, $84.99, €74.96 (e-bk.) ISBN978-3-319-56967-3.

Review Essays:
Michel Biard, Université de Rouen Normandie
Robert Darnton, Harvard University
David Garrioch, Monash University
Marisa Linton, Kinston University

Response essay by Lindsay Porter

Volume 14, Issue 1
Issue Editor: Hilary Bernstein, University of California, Santa Barbara

Peter Sahlins, 1668: The Year of the Animal in France.  New York: Zone Books, 2017. 491 pp. Plates, figures, notes, bibliography, and index. $34.95 (hb). ISBN 978-1935408994.

Review Essays:
Sarah R. Cohen, University at Albany, SUNY
Oded Rabinovitch, Tel Aviv University
Pierre Serna, Université Paris 1 – Panthéon-Sorbonne
Matthew Senior, Oberlin College

Response Essay by Peter Sahlins, University of California, Berkeley