H-France Discussion List

The H-France Discussion List connects scholars across the globe.  Whether through the announcement of conferences or publications; the publication of book and film reviews, forums, or salons; the raising of professional and scholarly questions; or the consideration of issues related to research and teaching, the H-France Discussion List offers a venue where those interested in the study of France and the Francophone world can remain informed of the scholarly activities.

To facilitate the smooth operation of H-France, the co-editors ask that all who submit messages observe the following guidelines:



  1. We welcome robust and prolonged discussion and even disagreement among a community of scholars, but we expect that posts be informed by the scholarly character of the community and reflect the highest professional standards of engagement. If a member violates the list policies, the list editors reserve the right to remove the member from the list.

  2. Messages that seek to support views soundly rejected by scholarship and messages that seek to silence legitimate discussion and debate will not be posted. Neither will language that is personally hostile, condescending, or derogatory, nor language that is discriminatory.

  3. Re-read your message before you send it to the list. Treat your message as professional communication, and do not post brashly or without careful consideration of both the content and character of what you write. Your message will be read by thousands of people all over the world, and possibly broadcast via social media.

  4. Consider your reputation in our community of scholars the world over, and post carefully and with consideration for all. Your message should not make unsubstantiated claims about areas outside your own field of expertise.

  5. If the list editor deems a change in wording of a post necessary in order to better abide by H-France’s List code of conduct, your original post may be sent back to you with suggested changes in wording before it is sent out.


  1. Please make sure that your name and email address are on your message.

  2. Please do not include file attachments to your email. They will not be forwarded to the discussion list.

  3. If replying to an H-France message, please use the “reply” button. This will make it clear that your message is intended for distribution to the list rather than for the co-editor only.

  4. Please fill in the subject line in the header of your message. This will make it easier for other H-France readers to manage their own lists of incoming messages.


  1. If a H-France member or editor believes that a discussion list message or other matter published by or on H-France violates either the Code of Conduct or the expectations of professional behavior and forms of communication, the individual is invited to report their concerns to the Editor-in-Chief.

  2. The Editor-in-Chief will bring the issue to the appropriate Chief Editor and, when relevant, to the Chair of the EDI Committee. These individuals will determine if other editors or the Editorial Board need included in discussion of the issue. These individuals or the Editorial Board will determine what specific actions need taken in response to the issue.

  3. The Editor-in-Chief will inform the H-France member or editor who raised the issue as to the response that H-France has taken.